Thursday, 28 January 2016

A New Evil

No, I am not talking about spinning. I have now done two spin classes and while they are tough, they are bearable. No, I am talking about a brand new evil. One I had no knowledge of until this Tuesday. 

Normally Tuesday is my run club day. A nice gentle 4K run around my town with some like-minded ladies. I look forward to my Tuesday runs. This Tuesday however was miserably wet and cold and resulted in the class being cancelled. The lady who runs the club suggested that those who still wanted a workout should come along to the cryptically named "team training" class that evening. I asked her what this class involved and she told me it was a fun class with a bit of spinning and something she called "circuit training". Some of you may already see where this is going. I, however, had never heard of circuit training and was told it was "just a bit of step" and that I would manage fine.

HA. (I would laugh harder but my abs still hurt.)

Those 45 minutes were the longest, most painful, movement-packed I think I have ever lived through. There were weights (the really heavy green ones, not the pretty pink light ones I use during the "tone" part of spinning), sit ups, press ups, planks and about a zillion squats. Add to that the sprinting on the bicycles and the jogging/bunny hopping on and off a step and I honestly didn't know which way was up. Oh and we did some suicide runs as well at the end, you know, cause we had loads of extra energy left over. 

I don't think I have ever sweat so much in my life (ladylike, I know). I woke up the next day and every single muscle (every. single. one.) was on fire. Muscles I haven't felt in years were suddenly screaming at me and I wasn't even moving, I was just sat (collapsed in a heap) helplessly on the sofa. I'm still hobbling about today. Two whole days later and I'm still sore!

I'll tell you one thing, that is the last time I ever get lured into a class on the promise of it being fun and easy. The next person to come near me with the words "circuit training" will get a big punch on the nose. Or at least they will once I can actually lift my arms up past my waist again!

Saturday, 16 January 2016


Spinning is EVIL. Seriously. My first "Beginner Spin and Tone" class was on Thursday and everything still aches. Oh, and those really uncomfy looking bicycle seats? Yeah. they're really uncomfy. 

Moaning and sulking aside, I really enjoyed it. It was really tough and I struggled much more than I thought I would but it was satisfying to get to the end of the class and still be able to breathe and talk. We started out with the "spin" bit which involved sprinting, hills and cycling with one leg at a time (yay...not). Then we moved on to the "tone" bit which involved getting some little pink baby weights (cause I am weak and couldn't face the slightly heavier purple ones) and doing some bicep curls and some tricep something-elses. Oh and this other one which made my arms and my abs hurt. I say abs, I mean my non-defined stomach area that someday very far away may develop something remotely resembling abs. 

All in all I wouldn't call it a pleasant experience but I felt good after (mentally, physically not so much) and it was good to see everyone else panting and puffing too. Plus, one of the girls from my Tuesday run club was also there so I have someone to sit next to during class and moan to after. Other than all of you of course. The four of you that actually read my blog that is. (Hi mum and dad!).

Tuesday, 12 January 2016

The holidays are over!

Merry/Happy etcetera, etcetera... 

Yes, I can believe it's 2016. No I haven't made any resolutions. Why? If you need to ask then you've clearly never made any. 

Have I been for a run this year yet? YES. Yes I have. Today. 

Ok, so it was the first time in about a month but please save your pointed disappointed stares, my aching legs and semi-burst lungs tomorrow morning will be punishment enough. Oh, and just in case you think it's not a sufficient punishment then you'll be happy to know I've signed myself up for a beginner's spin class too. The first lesson is this Thursday which will give me just enough time for walking to become bearable again. The almost certain leg agony aside, I am excited to be mixing things up with my training as I have to admit I was starting to get a tad bored of just running all the time and this will also be a good way to kick start this year.

Speaking of which, this year is actually going to be a pretty big one for me. 

2016 is the year in which I will be turning 25. I will be getting married and letting go of the only surname I have ever known. I'll be going on my honeymoon. I will be running a half marathon in February and hopefully take part in a mini triathlon in July. Last but not least I will be planning a potential trans-Atlantic move which is both terrifying and exciting and may not actually happen until 2017.

So, here's hoping this year goes well for me in all my endeavours and for you all in yours!